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Optimize Your Homepage

The homepage on your website is undoubtedly the most important page in terms of driving traffic towards your site. From our experience, Google tends to rank the homepage higher than it does a uniquely specified page about a service or product. This is why it’s essential to make your homepage the best, most all-encompassing page on your website. Here, we will discuss key information to include on your homepage, as well as things you may want to avoid doing. A well-crafted homepage sets the tone for the rest of your website, don’t miss out on a big opportunity to generate traffic!

What Information Should Be Included on the Homepage?

Ideally, you want your homepage to be a roadmap for the rest of your website. It should be easy for a visitor to navigate their way through the homepage, and they shouldn’t have to do a ton of digging to find what they’re there for. Implementing headings with small chunks of text beneath them is a good way to keep your homepage clean and structured. Nobody wants to scour through large chunks of text just to locate one product or service. Chances are your reader will lose interest and move on. (I’m nearing ‘large chunk of text’ status, so let me move on).

Make sure you are keeping your content clear and concise. Mention the most important aspects of your company, such as services you offer, products you sell, the audience you’re after, etc. You shouldn’t spend too much time keying in on one specific aspect of your company, because chances are, you’ll have a separate page dedicated to that product or service.

Here is some other key information to add on your home page:

  • Click to call button. This should essentially be on every page, but especially the homepage. As a visitor, having easy access to a phone number you can call is a luxury and saves valuable time. With a Google Analytics (ideally, we’ll have a blog page written about GA, and we’ll insert a hyperlink there) account linked, you’ll be able to keep track of how many customers called you using that button.
  • A Call to Action, or ‘CTA’. A call to action is a short, straightforward paragraph that sums up what your company does, who your audience is, and why a visitor should contact you. Like the click to call button, the CTA should be located on every page. An effective CTA highlights a potential customer’s need, and why you are qualified to satisfy that need. You’re not necessarily selling a product or service in the CTA, but rather inviting the client to call.
    • An example of a heading for an effective CTA would be: “Call *company* Today for Renowned *services*
    • Learn more about how to write a CTA here (insert another hyperlink)
  • Well-written content with relevant keywords. Using keywords effectively is a surefire way of getting Google to rank your site above the rest. But there’s a catch. While it’s normal to want to add as many keywords as possible, this can actually be a hindrance. Keyword stuffing not only makes your content sound fabricated, but it annoys Google. If the same keywords are repeatedly used too closely in your homepage content, the search engine will downgrade your website. To avoid this, try to aim for around 10 solid keywords per page. The more organically you can weave keywords into your content, the happier Google will be.

Benjamin Peddie

Ben began his career as a writer, graduating from Colorado State University with a BA in Journalism in 2018. After working as a content writer for over two years, he learned how to effectively write with search engine optimization in mind. From there, he started his career as an SEO Strategist, helping cultivate SEO plans for over hundreds of clients. Having seen both the writing side and SEO development side, he is uniquely qualified to create an SEO strategy. When Ben is not writing or developing SEO strategies, he enjoys being outside, watching sports, and playing video games.

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